Oh Oh Something Shiny!!!

No Theme Required – Just Whatever comes up in my Brain

My new “Toy” — May 27, 2015

My new “Toy”

At this point I have no clue why I am blogging. It is as if I am writing to myself or something and humoring myself as well. Is that how all blogs start? Why do people start blogs anyway? It is like I am talking to all these people but yet there is nobody there. And how the heck do people make money from blogs? And what does buying a blog mean? I am so confused. I do admit, my “blog” came in handy this weekend though…. I was at Kroger and I decided to make Banana Pudding. I got on pinterest  and I had pinned at least ten Vanilla pudding recipes. Well Dangitt!! I really liked that one I had made last time. So, I just googled “Banana Pudding Oh Oh Oh something shiny” and there my recipe came up!

I am famous!!! OMG!!! You can actually google me and I come up!!!

Okay, to the point of this blog … I guess I am talking to myself because I saw I had no views on my “Mom’s under pressure” blog but I need a place to keep the recipes I have made on it for my own use. I cook all my meals on Sunday most of the time but something just aren’t good re-heated. Plus, I love to try new gadgets. Well nw to me………..

My first recipe I tried was Porcupine Balls. I had never heard of these but I had all the ingredients AND the meat was thawed out. I did use Turkey meat instead just because I have 25 extra pounds to fit in my jeans so I am trying to be healthy. Oh, and it is cheaper than Beef of course. I did however, add my Wildtree Spaghetti Seasoning and a little cayenne to it to make it my own of course. It was a hit! Even with Jordan and she is pretty picky. And, they really did look like porcupines I swear. They were really cute!

My second recipe was Chicken and Rice Soup . I used a box and a half of Chicken Broth though. I am a hoarder of food so my freezers are full of meat. I don’t have space for homemade broths. HHHMMMMM, maybe I should buy another freezer….

Note to self: Check Craigslist next for a used freezer

This came out awesome as well! I am very impressed with it. Now, it won’t replace me cooking at all. I know that. I enjoy the smell, the cooking huge pots, etc. But, this will totally be good for quick meals with meat that has been in the fridge for three days and needs to be cooked or if I didn’t cook and want something simple and healthy in the pm.

That Wednesday, I met a friend for Happy hour. I came home and Greg had even made something. Yes!! He never cooks (unless his parents are coming over and I go on strike in the kitchen while they’re there). Now grant it, the sausage was already precooked but he had put some rice in under the sausage. Just a faster rice cooker I am thinking but I of course did not knock it. The juices got in the rice also while cooking so it was very flavorful as well.

I left it on the counter for a week or so…….. I was fixing to write 2 weeks but I don’t think that it has even been that long since Mother’s Day. I know it is under the counter now in my “Toy” cabinet with all my other gadgets now though. My plan was to leave it out and maybe Pops would experiment some more and actually enjoy it from time to time. But no… didn’t happen.

Oh Wait!!! I did make something else with it though………. I kept seeing on Pinterest how you could make ribs in an hour or so. That Thursday, I stopped by HEB from work and picked up some Pork Ribs. I came home and found Baby Back Ribs . They were really good. I was very surprised. Of course, we had had several glasses of wine while they were cooking but I promise, the next day they were still good (despite being hung over and having that nasty taste in your mouth). I didn’t use that brand of spice or that brand of BBQ sauce but I am sure it will taste the same. I will totally make it again that is for sure!

Over all, I am still happy with buying a pressure cooker. Yes, an outfit or some new shoes would be more fun but if you’re like me and can’t sit down then you’re always looking to try new things. I am also hoping for my daughter or Greg to get “inspired” when they see it.

I do have pictures but I only write in my blog / write to myself while at work.  And yes, I have the pictures on my phone but would mean I would have to transfer from my phone which makes it appear I am not working and that is just cccrrrraaazzzzzzyyyyyyy!

Mom’s Day Under Pressure — May 12, 2015

Mom’s Day Under Pressure

For the past ten years, mom’s day has always been a fight in our house with my husband and I.  He wants to spend it with his mom, I want to spend it with mine, and of course it is also my day.  I have always compromised and did my Mother’s day on Saturday (ending up preparing for Sunday) and did something with the moms on Sunday.  Unfortunately, this year, my mom wasn’t around so that argument wasn’t happening and his parents are off traveling the world so it was actually all about me!!!  OMG!!!

Yea Right…

Saturday morning, I wake up at 10:30.  We were supposed to go visit my step dad but he said he was too busy with his new “girlfriend”.  We won’t go there………..  So of course, us being the fat butts we are, we decide to go to the new Italian restaurant Grazia’s .  The pizza is to die for !!!!  And you can sit at the pizza cave if you want to.

Over lunch, well actually after I stuffed my mouth with the last possible bit it could hold……  Greg says, “So what do you want for Mother’s day?  Why don’t we take you for a new outfit at Macy’s?”


Did my husband just say he would go shopping with me?  Did he say shop for a new outfit??  OMG!!!!  This is so exciting!!!

vs Reality

I just stuffed myself like a fat pig.  There is no way I am going into a dressing room right now.  He did this on purpose knowing I wouldn’t.  🙂  And, he just said Macy’s.  HHHMM, I really am not crazy about that store.  Well, maybe we can go into Macys, then Dillards, then Ross, then Marshalls and see where the best deal is”.

My answer: “Why don’t we just go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and get my pressure cooker cause I don’t feel like trying on clothes”

Who has taken over my body and has chosen home appliances over a new outfit???!!!!!!

Once we got there and I saw they were $100 I knew I had made the right choice though.  I mean, I would’ve never chosen an outfit for that much.  I can afford my $20 outfits out of my allowance but I can’t afford a $100.  Winning!!!

When Jordan got home, I got my mother’s Day gift.  She has been so anxious to give it to me it was so cute.  She brought me a purse filled with lots of goodies:

measuring cups (since she has lost all mine)

lighters since I am always losing mine

A coffee mug that says “Shoes make the woman”

Wonder Woman pens

James Avery “Mother’s Love ” earrings

She did great!!  She is the most selfless teenager I know.  I didn’t say totally selfless now….  I said teenager I know.  🙂  My other daughter, Avery, didn’t even call me.  Hahaha!

But, its’ only Saturday so you still have time

Saturday night, my friend and I planned on margaritas (and Mexican food) at The Don Key in Pasadena.  Well, her husband backed out at the last minute.  Wah Wah WAh…..   He had been at the baseball field coaching all day since 7:00 a.m. and didn’t want to drive to Houston and drink margaritas. So, it was just me, Greg, and Jordan.  I tried talking Greg into us going into Houston but he said he didn’t want to drive all that way.

I seem to remember when he moved to Pearland his words were, “This will be awesome. We will be 20 minutes away from everything and can go into Houston all the time.” *eye roll*

Sunday morning, I wasn’t expecting anything really.  I was hoping for a good homemade breakfast but a pot of coffee was made so I was glad about that.  My neighbor said she wanted me to fix her hair so I had to get up early and clean my house. Then   I decided to lay out since I pretty much glow when wearing shorts.  While I was out there, it was nice just listening to my audio book and admiring my yellow rose bush that was blooming.  We bought it on my mom’s birthday in honor of her.  It is like my own little thing to remember her. After a few minutes,  I turned around and saw my Magnolia tree.  It had one bloom on it pointing straight at me.  I couldn’t help but smile  and hope it was a sign from mom saying Happy Mother’s day.

Finally, my friend comes over and I French braid her hair. Realizing it is 3:00 pm and Avery still hasn’t called and told me Happy Mother’s day, I scheduled some time to cry.  It does the body good I swear. Greg was outside mowing and Jordan was still at work.    I didn’t want them to know I was upset over Avery.  They both did great and both had gone out of their way to make sure I had a great weekend.  I didn’t want to spoil their day seeing me upset after all they did.  After my five minutes (okay, maybe 20),  I decided the pity party was over and it was time to shower and clean up.  As I got out, Greg came and asked if I wanted to go have a few beers to get out of the house.

I think he read my mind.  I just wanted to be distracted

We went to the German Biergarten and had a couple of beers and a snack.  When we got home, Jordan was asleep on the couch so I snuggled up next to her and watched a Lifetime movie.  She did end up waking up with me and watching it with me.  Greg went to sleep and we stayed downstairs cheering on the woman beating up the man together like old times.

Funny, they both worked hard to keep me distracted from my youngest not coming around and my mom not being here but the end of Sunday evening was my favorite part.  Me and Jordan chilling on the couch watching a Lifetime movie, stalking social media together and just being hanging out.